What is a class action?
A class action is a legal proceeding brought by an individual on behalf of a group of individuals who have been similarly impacted by another party. The individuals in the group are referred to as class members. A class action brings together the claims of class members so that a court can determine common issues shared between members in a single lawsuit.
How do I join the class?
If you live, work or do business in the Occupation Zone (outlined here), you will be a part of the class action unless you contributed to or actively supported the convoy, or if you choose to opt out of the class action. You do not have to register, but please keep records of your losses.
What if I do not want to participate in the class action?
Individuals who would otherwise be class members but wish to opt out are free to do so. Class members who opt out of a class action are not bound by the results of the class action, and are solely responsible for pursuing their own claims (including case expenses).
How can I support the work?
You can donate to the arms-length Ottawa Fund. The Ottawa Fund will reimburse the law firm for expenses reasonably incidental to the class action.
How can I provide you with my story?
Email us at convoyclassaction@champlaw.ca.